On April 26, 2022, dozens of nonprofit agency staff, pastors, deacons, and other ministry leaders in Grand Rapids met to learn more about how churches can seek justice in affordable housing and immigration. Listen here:



Gather a group to read and discuss a book:

Attend quarterly Lunch & Learn events sponsored by ICCF Community Homes to learn more about and get involved in equitable opportunity, affordable homes, and thriving neighborhoods.

Recognize which assets your church already has that you can use toward affordable housing justice. Read this article about Lee Hardy’s work on faith communities and affordable housing. Then search his website to find real life examples of how other churches used their assets to increase affordable housing. Learn how your church can include housing and justice in worship.

Getting involved with returning citizens may open your eyes to how hard it is to move from incarceration to affordable housing. Read Reentry and Housing Coalition’s overview of housing options for reentry. When you’re trying to help a specific person or family find housing, go to FindHelp.org, enter the zip code for the area you need, then follow the dropdown menu for housing and other issues.



Read Kent County’s 36-page Welcome Plan for New Americans to find out how you can join other faith communities in working with immigrants and refugees. Get ideas from Global Detroit’s Welcoming Michigan initiative.

Build your church’s cross-cultural competency by exploring Global Cognition’s book, publications, research, and other resources.

Connect with people of other cultures:

If you’re working with an immigrant, asylum seeker, or refugee with a specific need:

Join advocates already working toward immigration justice.