Contact Persons

Stated ClerkBob Arbogast
Classis administrative officer

Treasurer – Pam Bishop
Classis financial officer

Ministry Coordinator – Steve Timmermans
Ministry coordination and support

Church Visiting Team Leader – Steve Timmermans
Visits the Councils of Classis Congregations

Leadership Development Team Leader – Ken Bratt
Arranges for the support of those seeking ministerial education

Community Engagement Team Leader – Bill Paxton
Assists congregations in community-based ministry with various organizations

Pastor to Pastors Coordinators – Thea Leunk and Doug Macleod
Pastoral care to pastors

Racial Justice Team Leaders – Cindy Vander Kodde and Becky Witte
Leads and supports classis and its congregations in praying and working for racial justice and unity

Safe Church Coordinator – Julia Rathbun
Abuse prevention and response

Starting and Strengthening Team Leader – Nate Dejong McCarron
Works with congregations and the denomination in church starts and the strengthening of congregations

Church Counselors – Mike Abma and Rebecca Jordan Heys
Advise churches re: calling and supervision of ministers of the Word and commissioned pastors