Church Visiting Team
The purpose of the Church Visiting Team is to meet periodically with the leaders of established member churches to encourage and support their congregational and missional health.
Team Leader: Steve Timmermans (First)
Team Members
Team A: for Eastern Ave., Madison Square, Boston Square, & Celebration Fellowship
Tom Hoeksema (Grace)
Kathy DeMey (Neland)
Dwight Baker (Calvin)
Team B: for Sherman St., Neland Ave., Fuller Ave., & Calvin
Audrey Laninga (Madison: Square)
Claudia Beversluis (Church of the Servant)
Glen Van Andel (Celebration Fellowship)
Team C: for Seymour, Shawnee Park, Grace, & Plymouth Heights
Walter DeBoer (Calvin)
Denise Jones (Oakdale Park)
Marlyce Snyder (Neland Ave.)
Team D: for Oakdale Park, First, Churchof the Servant, & Woodlawn
Deb De Jong (Madison: Ford)
Mark Vander Werf (Sherman St.)
Bob Crow (Grace)