Classis Ministry Teams
Classis Executive Team
The purpose of the Executive Team is to carry out designated functions of classis and act on behalf of classis as needed between meetings of classis.
Ministry Planning Team
The purpose of the Ministry Planning Team is to provide guidance, coordination and support to ministry team leaders for implementing their team purposes in keeping with the mission, values and ministry priorities of classis.
The MPT is composed of the Classis Ministry Team Leaders, the Stated Clerk, the Treasurer, and the Ministry Co-Coordinators as MPT leaders/facilitators.
Church Visiting Team
The purpose of the Church Visiting Team is to meet periodically with leaders of each established member church to encourage and support them in their congregational and missional health.
Team Leader: Jeff Sajdak
Community Engagement Team
The purpose of the Community Engagement team is to network with and support local faith-based ministries and collaborative initiatives that strengthen our Kingdom witness of loving mercy and doing justice in our neighborhoods and city.
Team Leader: Bill Paxton
Leadership Development Team
The purpose of the Leadership Development Team is to help the churches of classis identify, develop, support and equip leaders (M. Div. student and others) for ministry in and by the church.
Team Leader: Kenneth Bratt
Starting and Strengthening Church Team
The purpose of the Starting and Strengthening Churches Team is to help create and nurture healthy, missional congregations and related disciple-making ministries.
Team Leader: Nate DeJong McCarron (Fuller Ave)
Racial Justice Team
The purpose of the Racial Justice Team is to provide leadership and support to classic and its member churches in praying and working for racial justice and unity in Christ.
Team Co-Leaders: Cindy Vander Kodde (Church of the Servant) and Becky Witte (First Church)
Safe Church Team
The purpose of the Safe Church Team is to assist the Classis and its member churches in abuse prevention, awareness, and response.
Team Leader: Julia Rathbun
Team Members: (to be determined)